Monday, November 28, 2011

All systems are go and all bets are off.

Last night I wanted to cry.

Not only was the Thanksgiving holiday over, but once today dawned it was the beginning of the two worst weeks out of the year. The two-week push until finals.

These two-weeks are horrible. And let me tell you why.

The time for procrastination has ended. If you procrastinate now, you will procrastinate your little rear end right out of Brigham Young University.

These two weeks are very much like the parable of The Ten Virgins. Some of us are quite on top of things, we have our extra oil at hand. The rest of us didn't have time to go to the market to buy extra oil because we didn't start looking for our lamps until it was time to go. And do you think that there is going to be any sharing of oil? Absolutely not.

I think the one thing that miffs me the most about these two weeks, is that it is ten times harder than actual Finals Week. Finals are a cake walk. A breeze. Child's play. Easy peasy, rice and cheesy. Comparatively.

For the next two weeks, I will be scrambling. Whipping out ten-page papers. Speed-reading articles on Shakespeare. Fingerspelling myself into a frenzy. So don't be surprised if you don't hear from me until December 16th, when all of this is over.

And this was my last act of procrastination until then. I need to go find my lamp.

Bon voyage!


  1. I am with you on this one. I have to write the deconstructionist paper for Simonton...right now. Hooray for higher education!

  2. Best of luck to you! This is my first time experiencing these said two weeks...hopefully I'll live! I need to go find my lamp!

  3. All the best dear! I am an infrequent commenter here, thanks for share your experience with us!

    Sign of Depressions
