Monday, November 12, 2012

Et tu, Brute?

I heard a rumor that the big snow event (one could hardly call it a storm) that occurred this past weekend in Utah was called "Brutus." I think I would love to have the job of naming the storms. Instead of names that have the potential to offend your neighbors (if they happen to be named Sandy or Katrina or the like) we could have storms like Hurricane Unpleasant or Storm Terrible Awful or something that has to do with Ringwraiths and Jabberwockies. I'm more likely take storms seriously if their name strikes fear into my heart. Snowstorm Ringwraith (with its accompanying Nazgul) would be paralyzing.

But Brutus was effective. He's torn the branches and boughs off the trees across town in a cruel, traitorous  way that only someone named Brutus could. However, he provided an hour of fun for Lora and I on Friday afternoon in which we used a bottle of ketchup to create the scene of a tragic death which was caused by some sort of snow battle. But Brutus only covered up our very realistic puddle of blood with more snow. Brutus, much like preparing for finals, ruins all sorts of fun.

Et tu, Brute?



  1. I loved this! You are so fun. :) Ringwraith (with its accompanying Nazgul). He he. And I love that you created a death scene. What paper were you procrastinating? ;) Sounds like something I might do to procrastinate folding the laundry.

    1. What what? You procrastinate folding laundry?! What kind of... Oh, hmmm... Yeah I've washed two loads of whites (not to mention other loads) since the one that's in the basket. Yeah. I don't know ANYone who would procrastinate ANYthing! ;)

  2. Hahahhahahaahaha. Storm terrible awful. I am going to sign a petition for you to become the next storm-namer
