Monday, March 14, 2011

The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back

"There are some days sweet like honey, and some days tart like marmite."

Life has been tasting pretty sweet lately. I talked about it with my mom last week. About how I feel so happy and I don't know why. So many things have gone wrong, but I just feel. . .good.

This past week was spectacular. And I really mean that.

My soccer team and I played the worst game of our season on Friday. We lost 8 to 0.

My roommates and I threw a party for Roommate #5's birthday. When I say we threw it, we mean she said what she wanted, she organized it, and got it all moving. So it was really like she threw us a party for her birthday. She is great like that. That is why Roommates #1-3 and I love Roommate #5. We stayed up way past our bed time and drank way too many drinks spiked with 7UP.

That night, a late-hour-fizzy-drink-induced-sleep
led to some interesting dreams. Including me getting brainwashed with a cantaloupe smoothie (something Elder U. says he drinks regularly on his mission) by a polygamist group up in the mountains. I noticed that a guy from my ward (who I never want to see in my waking hours, let alone in my dreams) happened to be a part of their group and he was asked to offer a prayer. For some reason he was confused as to what was happening in the world, so as he meant to pray for Japan, he said, "Please bless Jimmy." Then someone in the crowd yelled, "Japan!" He attempted to correct himself, "And please bless Jimmy's dad." Once again,"Japan!" And that was that. I don't know if I escaped from the polygamists or not.

I had an essay to write Saturday, but things just happened so I didn't get it done until this morning. An hour before it was due. Roommates #1 and #3 and I accidentally stayed up talking about boys and The Beatles until day light savings was in affect. I still don't get why day light savings exists.

On Sunday, I went with Lou to the Deaf Singles Ward. I realized how much sign language I actually don't know. That ward is in Spanish, English, and ASL. It was the loudest ward I have ever been to, simply because it is in a constant state of translation from one language into the other two. And I'll tell you what else, there are no secrets among the Deaf. If you sign it, everyone else knows about it.

I got back to my ward just in time for Relief Society. Then I told Roommates #1 and #3 that I would race them home from the church. And then we were off. It led to an an indecent race in our skirts and high heels to our door. I tell you what, I was running like a demon. Unfortunately, my demon-like run wasn't fast enough.

My visiting teachers came over for some pancakes and visiting teaching, but mostly for the pancakes. They are the best. If you ever need anything, they will be sure to get it for you. No questions asked. Which is probably why I will have a husband soon.

At ward prayer, I spent a good ten or fifteen minutes rocking on my heels with Coach Dennet. And then it was off to bed. Three hours later.

1 comment:

  1. Knew that was gonna happen. I cannot leave you guys home alone together. And to think of aaaall that time that you could have been hanging out with Sister Young...HAHA
