Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I Appreciate It

In this world of ups and downs, (aren't you glad there are jackalopes around?) I've come to appreciate more and more the simple things I see everyday.

I appreciate that a lot of girls around here go through a lot of trouble to look nice each and everyday. They wear high heels and skirts, and their hair is always perfect. I appreciate it because someone has to make the sacrifice and wear high heels, and it sure as heck isn't going to be me.

I appreciate that some people have the talent to hold enormous amounts of information in their computer-like brains. But sometimes I don't appreciate when they try to share it all in an entire class period.
I appreciate the fact that my American literature teacher can apparate. He is never late to class. Here's the definition for apparation if you've never read Harry Potter:
apparation- a magical method of transportation, and is basically teleportation, having the user focus on a desired location in his mind, then disappear from his current location and instantly reappear at his desired location. It is by far the fastest way to get to one's desired destination, but is tricky to pull off correctly and disastrous if botched up.
I appreciate the that some people put in the effort to put fun things on their flip flops. Some people put ribbons, or scraps of fabric, while others put bunches of plastic grapes. That's effort.
I appreciate that my World Civ. teacher makes some reference to either The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Les Miserables, or some other popular form of media everyday without fail.
Really, BYU is like a carnival everyday...except instead of rides there are just mountains of homework...


  1. I don't wanna go to that carnival...sounds terrifying. Perhaps more so than carnies...perhaps.

  2. I appreciate that you are appreciative! Good thing you've read Harry Potter, Narnia, & Les Miz so you know what he's talking about! :) Good luck on your mountains of homework! Thanks for calling yesterday! Love ya!
    BTW, there ARE jackalopes around--Not IS. You can fix it and delete my comment. :)

  3. I like that you and I are on the same page about high heels. :)
    When I was in my last year of Music Theory at EA there was a girl who just understood it all. And then there were Sara Ferrin and me who were just lost. But we never could get the help we needed in class because the know-it-all wouldn't ever shut up! It's probably time I let that go, huh?
    I really should read The Hunger Games.
    If I remember right the song does indeed say, "There's jackalopes around."
    And are you sure that BYU isn't more like a fair (a veritable smorgasbord, orgasbord, orgasbord)? ;)
    Love ya! And good luck!
