Sunday, September 13, 2009

Special Day

I absolutely love Sundays! As a child and as a teenager, I often dreaded them. I didn't want to take a bath on Saturday, or put on a dress or tights, or sit through endless meetings. The chairs were hard. But now I am much older and wiser. ;) I don't necessarily like shaving my legs or putting on a dress or uncomfortable shoes, but I do love going to church. Today was really special. I suppose it was just one of those Sundays that for some unknown reason are so special.

Today in Relief Society, one of the girls I had help choosing for a teacher gave her first lesson. She did an absolutely amazing job. I'm so grateful for her and her willingness to really work at her calling. Or maybe fantastic lessons just come naturally to her. If that is the case, I am very jealous. Our lesson today was about friendship and being true friends. I guess I just needed to be reminded that I have some very wonderful true friends in my life.

These are some of my true friends.

In Sunday School, one my friends gave the lesson on the handcart companies. I cried the whole time. In the Church, I guess it's a compliment if someone tells you they cried through your whole lesson. He had one of his friends share some experiences from his life. Okongo is from Sudan and had to escape to Kenya with his family. They lived in the refugee camp for a while and went through years of applications and interviews to be able to come to the United States, and now he is going to college here at EAC. I felt so selfish. I often complain about going to school, and here is Okongo who had to escape his home to be able to come here so he could have a chance at getting an education. Then I think about my ancestors who gave up their homes to come out West just so we could practice our religion. I will forever be grateful to them and their sacrifice.

Sister Elaine S. Dalton gave the CES Fireside tonight. Her talk was titled, "A Return to Virtue." She talked about how we need to choose to be more virtuous and not be ashamed of who we are. I can't give her talk justice enough. I can't even summarize it well. I think you just need to see it, listen to it, or read it for yourself. It was absolutely incredible. All I can say is that I am so grateful for this Gospel and all the blessings that I enjoy because of it. I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ who suffered for me and my family that we might be together again forever.

Families are Forever

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, I LOVED this post & the pictures! It's really fun watching you grow up and learn the good lessons in life!!! :) Sundays ARE the BEST! And even poor teachers (like me) are great! That's cuz you know that if the Gospel wasn't true, there is no way that they would be up there in front giving lessons. But because it IS true, that's really the only reason they would do that! The Lord blesses us even if we don't have great talents as a teacher (or whatever), we still learn and grow through trying to magnify our callings. Our callings are sometimes more for our own growth than for those we teach.

    I'm going to listen to Sister Dalton's talk TODAY! Maybe for FHE! Thanks for reminding me. In the busy weekend, I forgot and I even had it on my calendar. It's great the technology we have that I can do that!

    Hope you have a great week! Love ya!
