Friday, October 31, 2014

The Introvert's Nightmare

I will forever be plagued by social anxieties. I do my best to act like a nice, normal human being as much as possible, but every now and then my awkward tendencies become frustrated at being bottled up for too long and come spilling out in rapid succession.  

A couple weeks ago, I was attending my eighteenth-century British literature class. I had arrived early, put my bag in my usual seat near my friends Chase and Trevor, and decided to make use of my promptness to make a trip to the restroom before the two-and-a-half-hour marathon of Enlightenment era children's literature commenced. Upon returning to the classroom, I could see (through the rather large window in the door) that my professor had stationed herself rather fixedly in front of the door while she talked with another student. Having her back towards me whilst leaning upon the doorknob, my professor could not see that I stood there rather perplexed as to what I should do in this completely average, not-awkward-in-any-way situation. However, Trevor, Chase, and the others on that side of the room could plainly see (through the rather large window mentioned previously) the mental anxiety dancing across my brow. They snickered at my dilemma, and I believe that only bags of popcorn would have added to their delight. What were my options? 1) Wait patiently until my professor finished talking to the student and moved away from the door. 2) Knock lightly on the door to inform my professor of my presence. 3) Shove on the door (and thus shove my professor) in order to gain entry. 

I weighed my options carefully, even trying the door to judge just how firmly my professor was planted there. Quite firmly as fate would have it. So yes, I did what no other rational human being would do, and I shouldered my way into that classroom, pushing my professor in and away from the door. I blushed furiously, horrified at my obvious faux paus, squeaked out an apology and took my seat. 

How badly do you think shoving my teacher will affect my grade?   


  1. Baaaah-haaa-haaa! XD We are very much related. I guess the question is -would you penalize your own student for shoving you? ;)

  2. Ha ha haaaaa! That's just awesome.

  3. I'm SO sorry you inherited my awkward social anxiety genes! If you didn't write the incident so hilariously funny, I would cry for you! Or maybe I will laugh till I do cry! :D
