Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Obsession and Addiction

I, my friends, have a strange addiction. A very strange addiction indeed. I'm addicted to buying books. I may or may not have the right to blame this addiction on genetics.

I went to the BYU Bookstore this afternoon during my lunch break, searching for a little something for a friend's bridal shower. I spent the whole hour wandering around the store wondering what in the world I would get for her. After giving up on the knick-knack section several times over, I headed to the book section to see if maybe, just maybe there was something I could think of to give to her.

I found a cute book that suited my purpose just fine. And then I spotted it. The very section of the store I do not let myself wander into unattended. The area filled with shelves of the most precious little versions of all classic books any self-respecting English major {or any other major for that matter} should own. Jane Eyre. Peter Pan. The Scarlet Letter. The Picture of Dorian Gray. David Copperfield. Shakespeare's Sonnets.
The works.

I picked up a copy of Shakespeare's Sonnets, thinking to myself how perfectly precious it was. How I needed to own it. How wonderfully it would look tucked into my now overflowing bookshelf. Then I grabbed Peter Pan. "Oh, how I love this story!" I exclaimed to myself. {Inside my head naturally}. Then Jane Eyre caught my eye and found its way into my hands.

"I can't buy all these," I thought. "My money must be saved! I need to buy groceries and new shoes. The books can wait." I put Jane Eyre down. "Well maybe I can just buy one. They're not expensive. But just one of them." I held Peter Pan in one hand and Shakespeare's Sonnets in the other. My hands began to shake and my breath came in short bursts as I struggled to choose which precious treasure to leave behind; debating which book's feelings would be hurt worse if I left it there. I decided to spare both books' feelings and bought them both.

And that ladies and gentlemen is how my addiction works.


  1. I understand the feeling completely. I don't even let myself wander in the BYUI section of novels! It's BAD I tell you! BAD!

  2. Ha, ha! We are definitely related. I am in love with Barnes and Noble, and I am in love with books. I could spend way too much money way too easily there. Now I buy at Amazon so I can buy too many books with a smaller price tag. ;) I have always loved the feeling of being surrounded by words and knowledge.
    And when I'm washing dishes I worry about this or that cup being offended if I put it inside the drainer instead of the cup holders on the drainer.

  3. Hi! I saw you comment on Anti-Austen's and decided to look at your blog. I saw the first paragraph of this post and thought, "okay, I'm definitely following this blog." Haha, I'm addicted to books too. I always get a warm fuzzy feeling when I'm in a bookstore and I could spend hours there, but buying books is so much of a temptation, I don't go to bookstores very often. I wish books weren't so expensive!
    You should check out my blog: http://www.pinknotesbluenotes.blogspot.com
