Tuesday, May 24, 2011

At Midnight Cinderella Turns Back into a Pumpkin

In the wee hours of the morning, one might think that all of Provo's citizens are snug in their little beds dreaming of celestial marriages. But last night, I arrived home well after midnight and realized that my apartment complex is full of faithful young single adults who are not only hearers of the word, but doers also.

I locked my car and planted my keys firmly between my fingers. {Just in case any crazed, desperate RM's popped out of the bushes to propose marriage}. As I walked towards El Apartado, I heard a car door slam behind me, and I turned to see a good friend. I raised my hand in greeting, "Heh--". I was cut short by the sight of a beautiful young woman by his side. I quickly scurried away.

Before I could safely make my way inside, I unintentionally interrupted several other couples exchanging goodnight adieus.

I'm so pleased someone is anxiously engaged.

1 comment:

  1. I think you mean "Cinderella turns back into a Bumpkin".
