Tuesday, January 25, 2011

When it Snows

It has been snowing hard all morning.
I have decided that in my own world, I will make it so it snows only on grass and other non-man-made...spots. There will be no snow on sidewalks, streets, or any other concrete/asphalt areas, and most definitely, there will not be any dirty piles of snow pushed up in parking lots.

I put on my new boots today to test them out. Ettie took one look at my faux-cowboy boots and said, "I hope you don't slip." I took her well wishes with me out the door. My boots probably aren't the best for snow...or any other kind of inclement weather. I did my best though to find some that were practical, yet not ugly, and these were the best I could find. Well, I found a lot of great boots, but my calves are much too "muscle-y" to squeeze into any boots meant for girls with chicken legs. Those poor girls with chicken legs. It's a good thing the boot industry took pity on them and made all boots their size, otherwise, their non-insulated legs would surely freeze. And no one likes girls with frost-bitten chicken legs.

So me and my not-too-practical but oh-so-cute boots walked to school through the wind and snow. By the time I reached campus, I was covered in crystalline white stuff, and I did my best to brush it all off before I went inside my building. As I entered the hall, I noticed that I was getting quite a few more looks than normal from other students, so I knew that everyone either thought I looked great in my new boots, or that there was something terribly wrong with the way I looked. I shuffled into the restroom and low and behold, I discovered that despite the fact that I had worn my coat hood up, a significant amount of snow had formed an ice patch on the top of my head. I quickly brushed off the snow, but it left my hair completely soaked and the ends limp and starting to frizz. I wished I could put the snow back where it was because at least it could then hide my damp hair which didn't look wet, but instead, rather greasy.

To top it off, my eyes were still red and watery because I had gotten something in them that morning while putting on my makeup. I had spent a great deal of the morning with streaming eyes, which made my mascara run and my eyelashes clump together, so it looked like I had only five eyelashes instead of...more than five. Walking through the snow only made it worse. So I arrived at my Enlightenment class looking as though I hadn't washed my hair in a week and as if someone had sprayed pepper spray in my eyes.

I wonder if anyone liked my new boots.


  1. I have the same problem with boots. I got some for Christmas anyway.

  2. I literally laughed out loud. Good one!

  3. Ha ha haaaa! Those poor chicken-legged girls. I like your boots. And your name, too! :D

  4. HAHAHA! You had a bad hair day and a bad makeup day, but you do have nice legs! Focus on that! At least you don't have chicken legs! I like your new boots but I'm with Lynnette, I hope you don't slip & slide! Do the soles have any traction? I didn't realize the heel was so high. Good luck! It does snow in April there you know.
